Friday, February 27, 2015

[D811.Ebook] Download Grand Old Party: A History of the Republicans, by Lewis Gould

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Grand Old Party: A History of the Republicans, by Lewis Gould

Grand Old Party: A History of the Republicans, by Lewis Gould

Grand Old Party: A History of the Republicans, by Lewis Gould

Download Grand Old Party: A History of the Republicans, by Lewis Gould

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Grand Old Party: A History of the Republicans, by Lewis Gould

From Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War through the disputed election of George W. Bush and beyond, the Republican Party has been at the dramatic center of American politics for 150 years. In this exciting new book, the �rst comprehensive history of the Republicans in 40 years, Lewis L. Gould traces the evolution of the Grand Old Party from its emergence as an antislavery coalition in the 1850s to its current role as the champion of political and social conservatism. Gould brings to life the major �gures of Republican history--Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Rea-gan, and George W. Bush--and uncovers a wealth of fascinating anecdotes about Republicans, from “the Plumed Knight,” James G. Blaine, in the 1880s, to Barry Goldwater in the 1960s, to Newt Gingrich in the 1990s. Gould also uncovers the historical forces and issues that have made the Republicans what they are: the crusade against slavery, the rise of big business, the Cold War, and opposition to the power of the federal government.

Written with balance and keen insight, Grand Old Party is required reading for anyone interested in American politics. Republicans, Democrats, and independents alike will �nd their understanding of national politics deepened and enriched. Based on Gould’s research in the papers of leading Republi-cans and his wide reading in the party’s history, Grand Old Party is a book that will outlast the noisy tumult of today’s partisan debates and endure as a de�nitive treatment of how the Republicans have shaped the way Americans live together in a democracy. For the next presidential election and for other electoral contests to come, this book (a perfect companion to Party of the People by Jules Witcover, a history of the Democratic Party published simultaneously by Random House) will be an invaluable guide to the unfolding saga of American politics.

  • Sales Rank: #1027821 in Books
  • Published on: 2003-11-04
  • Released on: 2003-11-04
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.56" h x 1.93" w x 6.43" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 624 pages

From Publishers Weekly
Just in time for the Republican Party's 150th anniversary next year, Gould, professor emeritus of American history at the University of Texas at Austin, nimbly portrays the almost 180-degree shifts in GOP policy through the decades, making it possible to understand how the Republican platform of 2000 could so closely mirror the Democrats' platform of a century ago. Although the book gives serious weight to issues such as race, especially in shaping the party's antebellum origins, greater emphasis is placed on personalities, especially those of the presidents. Gould offers reappraisals of minor presidents, such as Taft ("more interesting... than his critics at the time realized") and Coolidge (not "the precursor of supply-side economics as depicted by some Republicans in the 1980s"). But the account comes to life more effectively the closer it gets to the present, especially when considering Ronald Reagan, whom Gould considers so strong a conservative influence that he obliterated any recollection of moderation in the party's past. The closing chapters help put the present ideological tenacity of congressional Republicans, beginning with the backlash against the rejection of Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork, in historical context. It's very instructive to see how recent figures such as Newt Gingrich stand in relation to their predecessors-and how the current administration both shares and rejects the party's historical principles. 16 pages of b&w photos not seen by PW.
Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist
Gould, an emeritus University of Texas at Austin professor, has researched U.S. political parties throughout his career. He establishes the 1850s context in which the new party arose, examines Lincoln's wartime policies (including an activist federal government) that were pursued by the Republican administrations that dominated the rest of the century, and then analyzes the Progressive-era debate over regulating industrial society in which the GOP shifted to the small-government, low-tax, laissez faire approach it has now championed for nearly a century. Gould's political history blends historical disciplines, exploring, for example, the interaction of demographics and ideology as the party's vision and tactics have changed over the years. Mary Carroll
Copyright � American Library Association. All rights reserved

"In this richly informed and timely book, Lewis Gould provides an illuminating, �u-ent, and persuasive history of the Republican Party. His saga addresses both issues and leaders in the frequently contentious politics of the party of Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan, their heirs, their enemies, and their legacy. This is required reading for all political junkies, Republicans and Democrats alike.”
--John Morton Blum, Sterling Professor Emeritus, Yale University

"Is the party of George W. Bush the party of Abraham Lincoln or of William McKinley? Will the election of 2000 prove to have been like the election of 1896 or the election of 1928? Are Republicans conservatives by political pedigree or radicals? Lewis Gould reports learnedly, insightfully, entertainingly; you decide.”
--H. W. Brands, author of The First American: The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin

"How a party that once believed in big government became the party that believes in small government is the story well told in this fascinating book by one of America’s preeminent political historians. Lewis Gould unravels the mystery like a real-life Sherlock Holmes.”
--Rick Shenkman, editor of the History News Network

"Lewis L. Gould is one of our ablest political historians. His Grand Old Party offers a lively yet penetrating history of the Republican Party from its founding in the 1850s through the contested election of 2000. With a suitable mix of fast-paced narrative and convincing analysis, Gould places the party’s policies and outlook within a broad political, social, and economic context.”
--Charles W. Calhoun, professor of history, East Carolina University, and editor of The Gilded Age: Essays on the Origins of Modern America

Most helpful customer reviews

34 of 35 people found the following review helpful.
Great history of the Republican party
By mrliteral
Grand Old Party is a well-written account of the history of the Republican party. Although it has a few imperfections, it is still well worth a five-star review.
Gould is up front about any potential bias he may have, declaring early on that he is a Democrat. Despite this (or maybe because of this), he has written a reasonably objective history, with his own political slant relatively limited. Most of his criticisms are not so much aimed at particular political viewpoints as with how various Republicans have executed their ideas over the years. Figures such as Taft, Coolidge and Nixon are shown more positively than usual, while Reagan - the supreme deity in the Republican pantheon - is viewed a little more critically.
The main theme of this book is the complete shift in political thought that the Republicans have undergone in their 150 years of existence, going from the "liberal" party that was highly nationalistic and an advocate of centralized power to the more conservative party it is today, with its emphasis on states' rights and limited government. Gould traces this transformation and indicates the pivotal points, perhaps none greater than Teddy Roosevelt's splitting of the party in 1912, driving out the more progressive members and shifting the balance within.
While a great book, this book is not perfect. In particular, I would have liked a deeper look into the Whigs, who were in many ways the precursors of the Republicans. Nonethless, for those interested in the political history of the U.S., this book - along with its companion history of the Democrats, Party of the People - is a worthwhile read.

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
History of the Republican party
By Frank J. Konopka
Last year was the 150th anniversity of the founding of the Republican Party, and this book gives a concise but fairly thorough history from then until the present day. The author admits at the outset that he is not philosophically in tune with the GOP, but that he will endeavor to be fair and accurate. For the most part, he remians true to that pledge, although at times it is quite possible to feel the animus attempting to break through the veneer of historical accuracy. For all of that, it is a well-written book, and does reveal some other interpretations of history, different from what we were taught to believe was true in school. This book is worth reading to see how a political party is founded, grows, matures, and changes its beliefs in step with the way the world around it changes.

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Great book about the GOP, its leaders and historical context
By M.R.Hoksbergen
Lewis Gould has delivered a great standard on the GOP. Although his own views are undeniably liberal, he portrays the presidents and political events of today and the past in a very gripping way.
Not only is "Grand Old Party" a must-read for political junkies, it also places the actions and decisions of the republican leaders in its historical context, making the book not just a political volume, but also a great work on American history (from the Civil War).

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Grand Old Party: A History of the Republicans, by Lewis Gould Kindle

Grand Old Party: A History of the Republicans, by Lewis Gould PDF

Grand Old Party: A History of the Republicans, by Lewis Gould PDF

Grand Old Party: A History of the Republicans, by Lewis Gould PDF
Grand Old Party: A History of the Republicans, by Lewis Gould PDF

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

[W773.Ebook] Download Ebook Jazz Guitar Chord Thesaurus (Book/CD), by Kirk Tatnall

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Jazz Guitar Chord Thesaurus (Book/CD), by Kirk Tatnall

Jazz Guitar Chord Thesaurus (Book/CD), by Kirk Tatnall

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Jazz Guitar Chord Thesaurus (Book/CD), by Kirk Tatnall

To become fluent in the language of jazz and music in general, musicians must develop equality of all twelve keys. The goal of this book is not only to provide a reference for learning chord fingerings, but to offer a daily practice routine to increase the guitarist's vocabulary of chords. This book will provide a clear cut path to learning all the inversions of seventh chords by using the two main building blocks of jazz harmony: major and minor ii-V-I chord progressions. The accompanying CD includes backup tracks to 10 jazz standards to allow guitarists to apply their new chord vocabulary.

  • Sales Rank: #1943945 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-09-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 12.00" h x .39" w x 9.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 152 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Deserves a place on every jazz guitarist's bookshelf!
By Jazzman
A nice addition to any jazz guitar library. Very well organized, methodical, systematic and comprehensive. A thorough reference guide that also provides a logical method for practicing the material.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Platinum
Pretty good book!

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Jazz Guitar Chord Thesaurus (Book/CD), by Kirk Tatnall PDF
Jazz Guitar Chord Thesaurus (Book/CD), by Kirk Tatnall PDF

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

[O804.Ebook] PDF Ebook Ouachita Trail Guide, by Tim Ernst

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Ouachita Trail Guide, by Tim Ernst

Ouachita Trail Guide, by Tim Ernst

Ouachita Trail Guide, by Tim Ernst

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Ouachita Trail Guide, by Tim Ernst

This updated guide (4th edition - published April 2006) contains ten maps, elevation profiles and complete walking descriptions of this 223-mile trail - the longest hiking trail in the region (it runs from Talimena State Park in Oklahoma to Pinnacle Mountain State Park near Little Rock). It contains all the information that you need to have a safe and enjoyable hike. The Ouachita Trail has been improving over the years, and Tim Ernst details all of it, including the new trail shelters that have been built. It also pinpoints, on the maps and in the text, all of the reliable water sources along the trail, which are of extreme importance. The foreword was written by Ouachita Trail guru and famed outdoorsman Jim Rawlins. This guidebook is a must for anyone hiking the Ouachita Trail-don't hit the trail without it! This guidebook was produced in cooperation with the Friends of The Ouachita Trail (FoOT) and the U.S. Forest Service.

  • Sales Rank: #1738311 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-10-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.40" h x .50" w x 5.40" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 136 pages

About the Author
Tim Ernst is Arkansas' Wilderness Photographer. He has been hiking, driving and crawling around the wonderful Ozark Mountains for most of his life, preserving the images he sees on film for everyone to enjoy. His photographs have appeared in hundreds of national, regional and local publications. Some of his credits include National Geographic, Audubon, Backpacker, Outside, Outdoor Photographer, American Hiker, Natural History, Country, Chevy Outdoors, and Arkansas Times magazines, Sierra Club and Hallmark calendars, National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service maps and brochures, Readers Digest Books, and The New York Times. Much of his time these days is spent teaching digital photography workshops in the Buffalo River Wilderness.

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
very detailed and helpful
By Ja Ja
Ernst is the source for Arkansas and the surrounding area. Will not replace serious maps, but on this well-marked trail we were fine without them.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Jackie
For the amount of money spent, the book is on the small side.
Now, what's inside more than made up. The book was chocked full of advice and in person of know what, how and where.
Great book. Will take it with me when I do the trail.

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Sweet Arkansas hiking...
By Di's
Very detailed. Sometimes a little too much rambling but definitely a great book to have. It was really beneficial to read ahead a time to help plan length of hikes each day, especially when starting in Oklahoma side since the trail is not as well marked on that end. I then took just the portion I needed for my 82 mile hike that I did this past summer. Looking forward to doing another section this upcoming year and will definitely be using this book over and over.

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Ouachita Trail Guide, by Tim Ernst PDF

Ouachita Trail Guide, by Tim Ernst PDF
Ouachita Trail Guide, by Tim Ernst PDF

[N378.Ebook] Download Ebook The Portable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader (Penguin Classics), by Clarence Brown

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The Portable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader (Penguin Classics), by Clarence Brown

The Portable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader (Penguin Classics), by Clarence Brown

The Portable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader (Penguin Classics), by Clarence Brown

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The Portable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader (Penguin Classics), by Clarence Brown

Clarence Brown's marvelous collection introduces readers to the most resonant voices of twentieth-century Russia. It includes stories by Chekhov, Gorky, Bunin, Zamyatin, Babel, Nabokov, Solzhenitsyn, and Voinovich; excerpts from Andrei Bely's Petersburg, Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, Boris Pasternak's Dr. Zhivago, and Sasha Solokov's A School for Fools; the complete text of Yuri Olesha's 1927 masterpiece Envy; and poetry by Alexander Blok, Anna Akhmatova, and Osip Mandelstam.

For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700�titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the�series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date�translations by award-winning translators.

From the Trade Paperback edition.

  • Sales Rank: #345958 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2003-07-29
  • Released on: 2003-07-29
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Language Notes
Text: English, Russian (translation)

About the Author
Clarence Brown is an acclaimed translator and professor of comparative literature at Princeton University. He is the translator of the Penguin Classics edition of We by Yevgeny Zamyatin.

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Brilliant selections.
By Another Matt
Indispensable. If you have use for samizdat, great writing, or all those tales of Russia you'd love to read again, Buy this book.

Typically I don't like these portable readers, especially when it comes to tying many authors, styles, and works together, but this one feels like the only chance you'll have at reading so many brilliant voices. The writers and their stories are just heartbreaking.

Olesha's Envy alone is enough to bring anyone to tears.

31 of 32 people found the following review helpful.
How it was Done in Russia
By Alexander Schulman
I bought this book for a course in Russian short fiction, and two years later I still find myself coming back to it. There are many great examples of Soviet and pre-Soviet writing in this anthology, the complete text of Olesha's novella "Envy", as well as some excerpts from longer works like "The Master and Margarita" and "Dr. Zhivago".

True to the Russian literary tradition, most of the pieces occupy a bizarre liminal space between incredibly funny and incredibly disturbing. The author I'm most grateful for having been introduced to through this volume is Danill Kharms, an absurdist writer from the early Soviet era. His "Anecdotes about Pushkin's Life" mocks the kind of hero worship prevelant in the literary world by presenting a series of ridiculous one-paragraph stories that make little to no sense, but are quite funny.

Other highlights in this book include Zamayatin's (authour of "We") "The Cave", Babel's "My First Goose", Platonov's "The Potudan River", Zoshchenko's bureaucratic allegory "Bees and People", Gorky's "Recollections of Leo Tolstoy", and Shalamov's Gulag horror story "Lend Lease".

This book is well worth getting, and you'll find yourself returning to it over and over again, each time finding something new.

54 of 60 people found the following review helpful.
Contents listing
By A Customer
The other review (by the reader from New Orleans) appears to refer to the 19th-century volume, not to this the 20th-century volume. Here's the contents list for THIS volume, copied-and-pasted from elsewhere...
"Alyosha the Pot", Leo Tolstoy
"The Bishop", Anton Chekhov
"Recollections of Leo Tolstoy", Maxim Gorky
"Light Breathing", Ivan Bunin
"Time", Nadezhda Teffi
"A Girl Was Singing" "The Stranger", Alexander Blok
from "Petersburg", Andrei Bely
"The Cave", Evgeni Zamyatin
"Nikolai", Velimir Khlebnikov
"Three Things in this World He Loved" "We're No Good at Saying Good-bye" "Dante" "When a Man Dies", "Courage", Anna Akhmatova
"The Potudan River", Andrei Platonov
"Varykino" "Hamlet" "March", Boris Pasternak
"Theodosia" "The Admiralty" "The Thread of Gold Cordial Flowed" "Leningrad" "O Lord, Help Me to Live
Through this Night" "The Last Supper", Osip Mandelstam
from "The Master and Margarita", Mikhail Bulgakov
"My First Goose" "How It was Done in Odessa" My First Fee", Isaac Babel
"Bees and People" from "Before Sunrise", Mikhail Zoshchenko
"Envy", Yuri Olesha
"The Return of Chorb" "The Visit to the Museum", Vladimir Nabokov
"A May Night" "Last Letter", Nadezhda Mandelstam
"Anecdotes About Pushkin's Life" "The Connection", Daniil Kharms
"Prosthetic Appliances" "A Child's Drawings" "Lend-Lease", Varlam Shalamov
"Matryona's Home", Alexander Solzhenitsyn
"Pkhentz", Andrei Sinyavsky
"Adam and Eve", Yuri Kazakov
from "Faithful Ruslan", Georgi Vladimov
"A Circle of Friends", Vladimir Voinovich
from "A School for Fools", Sasha Sokolov

See all 5 customer reviews...

The Portable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader (Penguin Classics), by Clarence Brown PDF
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The Portable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader (Penguin Classics), by Clarence Brown PDF

The Portable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader (Penguin Classics), by Clarence Brown PDF

The Portable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader (Penguin Classics), by Clarence Brown PDF
The Portable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader (Penguin Classics), by Clarence Brown PDF

Sunday, February 8, 2015

[A503.Ebook] Ebook Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen

Ebook Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen

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Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen

Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen

Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen

Ebook Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen

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Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen

“Diary of a Very Bad Year is a rarity: a book on modern finance that’s both extraordinarily thoughtful and enormously entertaining.”

— James Surowiecki, author of The Wisdom of Crowds

“A great read. . . . HFM offers a brilliant financial professional’s view of the economic situation in real time, from September 2007, when problems in financial markets began to surface, until late summer 2009.”

— Booklist

“n+1 is the rightful heir to Partisan Review and the New York Review of Books. It is rigorous, curious and provocative.”

— Malcolm Gladwell

A profoundly candid and captivating account of the economic crisis and subprime mortgage collapse, from an anonymous hedge fund manager, as told to the editors of New York literary magazine n+1.

  • Sales Rank: #667548 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-06-22
  • Released on: 2010-06-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .61" w x 5.31" l, .48 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 260 pages

From Publishers Weekly
Expanding on a 2007 interview in the literary magazine n+1, editor and interviewer Gessen draws together two years' worth of interviews with a despairing anonymous hedge fund manager. HFM, as Gessen calls him, didn't go to business school or major in economics, but has been working successfully in hedge funds for over a decade. With some context provided by Gessen, HFM schools readers in the stories behind the death of Bear Stearns, the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the plunging dollar, the bailouts, the Madoff scandal, and, finally, the upswing. Though it's interesting to have a personal take on the tumultuous past two years—and HFM ends the interviews when the stress finally drives him to take a semisabbatical—the decision to tell this story in an interview format is tricky and ultimately unsuccessful; the choppy transcription format distances readers from the ideas at hand, and the points lose their punch. Fans of the original article will find this expansion compelling, but other readers curious about the factors behind the crash will do better elsewhere. (July)
Copyright � Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From Booklist
This book is a series of interviews with an anonymous hedge-fund manager (HFM) by the co-editor of a literary magazine (who admits to being ill-informed on finance); he sets out to understand what is happening on Wall Street. The HFM offers a brilliant financial professional's view of the economic situation in real time, from September 2007, when problems in financial markets began to surface, until late summer 2009, when the financial meltdown generally subsided and the financial community went back, in HFM's view, to business as usual. With definitions of financial terms and products, and explanations of domestic and global issues as they occur, HFM draws from his decade of nonstop work as a hedge-fund manager to educate the interviewer and us as the financial crisis unfolds. This is a great read. The interviews are edited in a readily understandable manner and will provide a thoughtful perspective for a wide range of library patrons who want to learn about the recent financial debacle. --Mary Whaley

“My favorite book written about the financial crisis. . . . Highly recommended.” (Ezra Klein, The Washington Post)

“Diary of a Very Bad Year is a rarity: a book on modern finance that’s both extraordinarily thoughtful and enormously entertaining.” (James Surowiecki, author of The Wisdom of Crowds)

“A highly readable refresher on the financial crisis. . . . Amazingly—and largely because of the anonymity he’s granted—the nameless hedgie gives straight answers. . . . While HFM comes off as a bro you don’t want to mess with, the book is packed with plenty of humor.” (The Wall Street Journal)

“Eminently readable. . . . Always engaging. . . . Although it is not fiction, Diary of a Very Bad Year is, in its own way, an attempt to bridge the gulf between the literary and financial worlds.” (Financial Times)

“Diary of a Very Bad Year does something few of the books written about the crisis have accomplished: It delivers an insider perspective on the events in real time, rather than dwelling on conclusions reached after the fact.” (BusinessWeek)

“HFM does a good job of teaching the reader how mortgage-backed paper, money-market funds, and credit-default swaps work, while offering up juicier tidbits about the ethics and legalities of his sector.” (Time Out New York)

“Diary of a Very Bad Year takes the first steps toward putting a human face on the funds.” (Newsweek)

“A great read. . . . HFM offers a brilliant financial professional’s view of the economic situation in real time, from September 2007, when problems in financial markets began to surface, until late summer 2009.” (Booklist)

“A wonderful book. Diary of a Very Bad Year is a fascinating commentary on the crisis and a great read.” (David Backus, Professor of Economics and Finance, NYU’s Stern School of Business)

“Thoughtful, funny and unpretentious. . . . An unexpected treat that belongs on the shelf once labeled belles-lettres. . . . It is plenty enjoyable to watch HFM’s mind unfurl.” (Dwight Garner, The New York Times)

“A short, illuminating set of interviews with one savvy, articulate Wall Streeter. . . . A penetrating, educational and at times harrowing play-by-play.” (Time magazine)

“n+1 (in the person of Keith Gessen) lends an outsider’s ear to the brilliant disquisitions of a guy caught in the middle of it all. . . . Excellent reading. . . . Compelling.” (The Millions)

Most helpful customer reviews

19 of 22 people found the following review helpful.
Very possibly an investing classic, to be read 100 years from now
By Neurasthenic
This book far surpasses the expectations set by its simple premise -- a series of interviews of an unnamed hedge fund manager who specialized in trading emerging market debt through the financial crisis of 2008. No secrets are revealed about the inner workings of the global financial system, and the factual content of the book can be found elsewhere. This book is great not because it explains a credit crunch, or how to trade bonds or manage portfolio risk (it doesn't even attempt to do these latter things), but because it provides an intelligent, funny, highly opinionated synthesis of far-reaching finance, economics, and even philosophy. Many readers will disagree with points made by the anonymous hedge fund manager who holds court in these pages, but I think any reader would benefit from the internal dialog with him we have while reading.

The end of the book, after the crisis is over, is not as compelling as the first part of the text. However, even the first 100 pages more than justifies the cost of the book and the time spent reading it.

31 of 38 people found the following review helpful.
Great for a quick read
By Melissa Tang
I don't follow the news very much, just episodes of Daily Show that let me know the general state of the world. So I knew next to nothing about the causes and implications of the financial meltdown or the rationale of the bailout. I picked this book up because I liked the interview format and thought I could learn a little. It turned out to be an amazing read: it was fairly easy to understand, both the interviewer and interviewee were likable, and it gave me a lot of insight into the financial world. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand more about what happened with the economy, but find other, denser books too daunting.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Bad Year Good Book
By C. Wagner
If I would have known that this was a book of edited transcripts of interviews I probably wouldn't have bought it; but I didn't and I did and I'm glad I did. Unlike some of the other reviewers, I have read a lot about the financial crisis but this book is a unique look at that crisis from the heart and mind of an insider who lived through it. Anonymous is not cigar chomping Neanderthal, Wall Street aristocrat or a nerdy math wizard. He is sort of a really smart everyman; a guy you'd like to have a beer with. So buy this book get in the hammock with a beer and enjoy your weekend.

See all 35 customer reviews...

Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen PDF
Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen EPub
Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen Doc
Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen iBooks
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Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen Kindle

Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen PDF

Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen PDF

Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen PDF
Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, by Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, n+1, Keith Gessen PDF