Monday, August 23, 2010

[U793.Ebook] PDF Download The Happy Baker: A Girl's Guide To Emotional Baking, by Erin Bolger

PDF Download The Happy Baker: A Girl's Guide To Emotional Baking, by Erin Bolger

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The Happy Baker: A Girl's Guide To Emotional Baking, by Erin Bolger

The Happy Baker: A Girl's Guide To Emotional Baking, by Erin Bolger

The Happy Baker: A Girl's Guide To Emotional Baking, by Erin Bolger

PDF Download The Happy Baker: A Girl's Guide To Emotional Baking, by Erin Bolger

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The Happy Baker: A Girl's Guide To Emotional Baking, by Erin Bolger

20+ 30+ years of dating fiascos

60+ down-home, comforting recipes

1 pink baking hammer, with apron and lip gloss to match

Many (many) bottles of wine

Too many tears

A whole lotta laughter

Yields: 1 very happy baker

We've all been there.

The blind date from hell. The Big Hurt.

The guy who details his various surgeries over Caesar salad on the first date.

Who needs a pint of rocky road when you can head to the kitchen and work out your heartache with a whisk and a bottle of wine? Erin Bolger has been there, dated that and baked through it all. Turns out the more bitter the heartbreak, the sweeter the batter. So don't cry over bad dates, bad boyfriends or bad breakups—whip up a batch of My-Mom-Didn't-Like-You-Anyway Cupcakes and bake yourself happy.

  • Sales Rank: #1779335 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-09-21
  • Released on: 2010-09-21
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.94" h x .54" w x 7.50" l, 1.07 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 160 pages

From Publishers Weekly
This concise dessert guide is a delight, simultaneously romancing the reader's funny bone and introducing her to one delicious dessert after another. With baking projects for every culinary skill level (from no-bakes to the "My Eggs Are Not Getting Any Younger Cr�me Br�l�e") and every situation (from the hilariously bad first date to the breakup with "The Big One"), there's something for every girl baker. With desserts like, "Me and My Cookies Are So Over You" and "Bite My Peanut Brittle, Bi-atch," Bolger has a great gambit to draw readers to her scintillating recipes. And if that doesn't do it, the honest, funny stories of her relationship trials and traumas that fall every few pages will win over even the most happily-married wife. Bolger has also art directed the book, and photographs, illustrations, and graphic design are so poppy and playful that readers will have a hard time deciding which of the delicious creations to attempt first. Let's hope Bolger keeps baking after she gets married, because she leaves readers wanting more.
(c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved.

About the Author

Erin Bolger may have been a late bloomer when it came to dating, but she realized her love of baking early on. And she’s come a long way from the days of making out with long-haired rockers in the middle of a cornfield. She’s had her fair share of dating shenanigans and, yes, even dating hexes, but luckily she has her cute apron, favorite recipes and sense of humor to bake through the stress, heartache and hilarity of it all. Visit her at

Excerpt. � Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

The Happy Baker book is a collection of recipes of which most are unique to my rural upbringing, matched with my personal dating memories. The memoir vignettes are singularly my own but are at the same time very relatable. Sometimes it's nice to know you weren't the only one to make out with a longhaired rocker in the middle of a cornfield, with bangs the size of Oklahoma!

I am part country, part city…and all woman. After living for eighteen years in a village of nine hundred people, I thought it was time to tackle the Big Smoke aka Toronto, Canada's answer to N.Y.C.! I spent two years taking a cosmetics program there. Being a makeup artist for the last thirteen years has been quite successful for me. Most people might wonder what a professional makeup artist is doing writing a chick-lit cookbook. But, baking has come as naturally to me as makeup artistry has. When you've got passion, anything is possible. If they gave out degrees for sugar addictions, I would be on the honor roll.

My writing career started at the fall fair, in public school. I am the proud recipient of many first- and second-place ribbons for creative writing. If you saw the way they judge a pumpkin, you would know why. The idea for this book hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't have stopped writing if I'd tried. I would have written in my sleep if possible. I even got writer's arm (definition: a tan on one arm from writing outside all day).

I love to bake and I love to tell stories. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "Erin, you should write a book." Well, here it is. The recipes are easy to follow, with ingredients that are easy to find. Dating is hard enough, so I figure your emotional baking shouldn't be. Since the recipes are my personal favorites, they are tried, tested and true. Many are passed down from grandmas, aunts, great aunts, moms and the occasional kissing cousin. Others are my own twist on the original. Baking is an escape for me. I truly am happiest when I'm baking. I love sharing my baked goods and spreading the joy of baking around. Dating is not always an escape for me, but it sure is entertaining.

There were many times when I second-guessed myself while writing this book. A lot of time and energy went into it. On several occasions I thought, maybe I should focus this energy on furthering my makeup artistry career. I haven't even had a date in a couple of months because I have basically locked myself up in my condo after work to write. It didn't help watching The Shining one night and worrying afterward about getting cabin fever! I guess the worst I could do would be to hack up my plants.

But, whenever I had moments of doubt, a sign would occur that would make me continue on my writing journey. My first sign happened after about three straight weeks of writing. One morning, I stood in my kitchen and shouted, "Just give me a sign!" I needed to know that I should be investing so much time into this project. Later that afternoon, I was sitting at my desk writing when I heard a large rustling noise on my balcony. I looked over and there was a hawk. I said, "You must be my sign." He nodded and flew off, circling above for a few minutes. I quickly looked up the symbolism of hawks: integrity, focus, determination, strength, messenger of the Gods. Okay, sounded good to me! So, I continued, finishing my manuscript.

When the next major moment of self-doubt happened, I got another sign. I called my mother for support, and she told me that our former neighbor (from when I was five) had come by and dropped off a picture he'd found in his basement from the local newspaper. Thing was, this picture was twenty-three years old. It was from the public school fall fair. I was a pigtailed ten-year-old with my beloved (now departed) Gramps, looking at the creative writing exhibits. If that's not a sign, I don't know what is.

There were many times I felt vulnerable about putting myself out there with my stories. But then I thought, who am I kidding, because if we met you would know my whole life story in about five minutes. It's taken years of dating, many bottles of red wine and many hours of listening to Coldplay CDs to make this book possible. I've unlocked my vault of emotions. By reading it, I hope that no matter what dating stage you're at, you know you're not alone. And, you'll come away with a great sugary recipe to put a smile on your face after all the good, the bad and the fugly.

Enjoy my stories and recipes, and please feel free to make them your own.

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
The Happy Baker is a Book Every Home Must Have
By The Librarian
Many baking and cookbooks cross my desk at the library I work in.
I love to glance through them and put back on the shelf.
But The Happy Baker by Erin Bolger is a must buy!
I bought my own copy! And I never do that!
Last week,I was working at an event and I set Erin's book down for a minute. People wouldn't stop picking it up.
(so rude)
They were reading it, chuckling at her(Erin's) adventures and musings on life. They admired the beautifully done pictures,(exquisite photography)the easy to read, simple instructions for each yummy recipe!
Everyone wanted to "borrow" my book!!!
I'm not that stupid! I said "buy your own."
These BOLD people groaned with pleasure at the sight of the beautiful desserts-(the peanut butter cupcakes on page 17 are so moist and delicious-they taste like heaven).My sister-in-law, Dyanne bought Erin's book, loved it and bought copies for her two daughters. My daughter bought one. My son bought it for his coffeehouse. (he makes Erin's biscotti).
This book is so popular here at our library, we've had to get multiple copies. It is flying off the shelves at book Stores all over, too.
The Sea Salted Caramels on page 110-
this has got to be a sin!
The shortbread on page 55 is better than my Scottish grandmothers'
-sorry grandma!
The Caramel Shortbread on page 144 is simply the best I've ever tasted.
The butter tarts on page 146 -melt in your mouth, buttery, just the right amount of sweetness and quite simply, a winner.
Erin's descriptions are fantastic.
In her tips at the front of the book, she tells you to do certain things e.g. roast your nuts first,get good quality ingredients, use parchment paper....... and.......... she reluctantly admits one will never make icing better than one's mother.
So forget that!
With Christmas right around the corner, I can guarantee, that anyone(and that includes men- as I said my son loves this book for his coffeehouse) would love this book for a Christmas gift.
Come on people,men bake too!
Every recipe in this book is a FUN labour of love.
People will know you are the best baker-all you have to do is follow Erin's easy instructions.
This book is JUST so much fun, so easy to follow and it evokes memories of home and love and mom.
( Erin's mom who is her inspiration.)
I love this cookbook. Buy it!!
The All-American Dessert Book

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Dating + Disapointment = Outstanding Collection of Baked Goods!
By D. Matlack
Interesting concept of combining the author's personal dating history (don't worry it's cleaned up so no naughty details. Ms. Bolger wanted a book that her mom could read without blushing.) and the extensive recipe list of the baked goods that got her thru the rough patches - i.e. "Almost Paradise Bread", "Three's a Crowd Rocky Road Bars", "My Mom Didn't like you Cupcake" and the ecstatic periods of romantic bliss, i.e. "Match Made in Heaven Dark Chocolate Cookies", "Getting Lucky Ain't Just for the Irish Cream Cupcakes" and even the general miasma of living single: "I Need a Man who has Bigger Balls than my Banana Bread".

The personal history is nothing too crazy and off the charts, in fact for most of us it will be all too painfully close to home. And the recipes, easy enough for a luddite in the kitchen to muster and rich enough to satisfy an itchy sweet tooth and take the sting out of NOT living the fairy tale.

Each recipe comes with a mouth-wateringly gorgeous photograph (the whole book is in a bright livid color that will pack on a few calories just by looking at it. My only gribe is that since this is a cookbook it should lie flat when open, The binding on this is way too tight and as pretty as the book is it hurts to have to break up the binding.

Not bad, I'll definatly be trying a few of these out, if for no other reason than to pack on some quality padding.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Solid basic baking
By Amazon Customer
Amiable is the first word that comes to mind about this book, if that word can be used to describing baking. There aren't many original recipes in this book--just solid standards in most baker's recipe box already. On the other hand, solid standards got that way for a reason--they cheer us up when we're down, make us even more cheerful when we're up, and everyone loves them. None of the recipes are overly-complicated or require special ingredients, although I found the variations on chocolate chip cookies to be needlessly repetitive. The results turn out well, and I can't hate any cookbook that has a recipe for that Canadian classic, Nanaimo bars. If you're new to baking, or can only have a few cookbooks on your shelf, this is a good addition to your collection. There are a lot of stories about the author's relationships scattered throughout, but I honestly just ignored those (the publisher is Harlequin, as in the romance novels). Maybe someday when I need something fast and light to read, I'll read them. But in the meantime, I'll stick with the baking, which is satisfying enough.

See all 55 customer reviews...

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The Happy Baker: A Girl's Guide To Emotional Baking, by Erin Bolger PDF

The Happy Baker: A Girl's Guide To Emotional Baking, by Erin Bolger PDF
The Happy Baker: A Girl's Guide To Emotional Baking, by Erin Bolger PDF

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