Monday, January 17, 2011

[N528.Ebook] Ebook Download Ever Yours: The Essential Letters, by Vincent van Gogh

Ebook Download Ever Yours: The Essential Letters, by Vincent van Gogh

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Ever Yours: The Essential Letters, by Vincent van Gogh

Ever Yours: The Essential Letters, by Vincent van Gogh

Ever Yours: The Essential Letters, by Vincent van Gogh

Ebook Download Ever Yours: The Essential Letters, by Vincent van Gogh

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Ever Yours: The Essential Letters, by Vincent van Gogh

"There is scarcely one letter by Van Gogh which I, who am certainly no expert, do not find fascinating." —W. H. Auden

In addition to his many remarkable paintings and drawings, Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) left behind a fascinating and voluminous body of correspondence. This highly accessible book includes a broad selection of 265 letters, from a total of 820 in existence, that focus on Van Gogh’s relentless quest to find his destiny, a search that led him to become an artist; the close bond with his brother Theo; his fraught relationship with his father; his innate yearning for recognition; and his great love of art and literature. The correspondence not only offers detailed insights into Van Gogh’s complex inner life, but also re-creates the world in which he lived and the artistic avant-garde that was taking hold in Paris.

The letters are accompanied by a general introduction, historic family photographs, and reproductions of�87 actual pages of�letters that contain sketches by Van Gogh. Selected from the critically acclaimed 6-volume set of letters published by the Van Gogh Museum in 2009,�Ever Yours�is the essential book on Van Gogh’s letters, which every art and literature lover needs to own. �

  • Sales Rank: #300602 in Books
  • Brand: Gogh, Vincent Van/ Jansen, Leo (EDT)/ Luijten, Hans (EDT)/ Bakker, Nienke (EDT)
  • Published on: 2014-12-02
  • Format: Abridged
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.25" h x 7.25" w x 2.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 784 pages

“The letters serve as a kind of autobiography, attesting to van Gogh’s engagement in art, his trials and aspirations, and, most vividly, his relationship with his younger brother Theo. . . . [Van Gogh’s] descriptions of his own paintings are poetically evocative, and his long, detailed, emotional outpourings offer insight into his suffering, loneliness and dreams.”—Kirkus �Reviews (Kirkus Reviews)

“Frequently more absorbing, expansive, and instructive than a collection of letters ought to be.”—Dan Piepenbring, Paris Review “Daily” (Dan Piepenbring Paris Review “Daily”)

'No artist was ever a more engaging, vivid, honest, yearning, generous correspondent: you can open this selection on any page and be instantly riveted. Marvellously condensed from the Van Gogh Museum’s landmark six-volume 2009 edition.'—Jackie Wullschlager, The Financial Times (Jackie Wullschlager The Financial Times 2014-11-29)

“The truth about Vincent van Gogh, the very core of his struggles, beliefs, madness, and ambitions can be found in his collected letters, Ever Yours.”—Nick Mafi, Daily Beast (Nick Mafi Daily Beast)

“Frequently more absorbing, expansive, and instructive than a collection of letters ought to be.”—Dan Piepenbring, Paris Review’s “Daily” Blog (Dan Piepenbring Paris Review’s “Daily” Blog)

“A revelatory read in its hefty totality, brimming with insights into the rich and turbulent inner life of one of humanity’s greatest creative luminaries.”—Maria Popova, Brainpickings (Maria Popova Brainpickings)

“Of all the qualities we associate with Vincent Van Gogh, ‘giver of profound life advice’ generally doesn't top the list. But based on the insights contained within [Ever Yours], a collection of letters written by the artist himself, perhaps it should.”—Sophie Kleeman, Mic (Sophie Kleeman Mic)

‘A fitting tribute in the year that marks the 125th anniversary of the artist’s death.’—Apollo Magazine.
(Apollo Magazine 2015-01-01)

A Best Art Book of 2014 — Huffington Post (Huffington Post)

“This book will soothe your artistic soul even as it breaks your heart. . . . [Van Gogh] does not come across as the wild-eyed, ear-severing artist of his myth in this extraordinary volume, comprised of 265 carefully selected letters, many illustrated with his sketches and doodles. . . . The real surprise, and delight, of this volume is to learn that Van Gogh was not trained as an artist. He was a writer who happened to work in the art trade and his real aspiration was to become a preacher. . . . Get this book for the artist �in the family who believes he or she has seen it all already.”—Alan Bisbort, Waterbury [CT] Republican-American (Alan Bisbort Waterbury [CT] Republican-American)

“Of considerable interest to art lovers, students, scholars, and others, this affordable, well-presented, and scholarly publication is very highly recommended for many academic, large public, and special library art book collections.”—Library Journal, starred review (Library Journal)

“[Van Gogh’s letters] make up not only a creative autobiography without parallel in visual art but what the editors of a new selection call ‘a highlight of world literature.’. . . Lovers not only of great art but great autobiography should devour this ample sample. A bargain at 770 pages, enriched by scores of the drawings (or ‘croquis’) with which Vincent explained his works-in-progress, the volume knits 265 letters into a coherent, impassionaed, and eloquent pilgrim’s progress”—Boyd Tonkin, The Independent (Boyd Tonkin The Independent)

From the Author
"There are so many people, especially among our pals, who imagine that words� are nothing. On the contrary, don’t you think, it’s as interesting and as difficult� to say a thing well as to paint a thing. There’s the art of lines and colours, but there’s the art of words that will last just the same."
—Van Gogh to Emile Bernard

About the Author
Leo Jansen, formerly curator of paintings at the Van Gogh Museum, is editor of the Mondrian Edition Project. Hans Luijten is a senior researcher and Nienke Bakker is curator of paintings�at the Van Gogh Museum.�

Most helpful customer reviews

14 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Wonderful Book!
By Mary C.
What a wonderful book! Filled with his sketches and just so many letters that he wrote over the years. I haven't read the whole thing yet, and I am so looking forward to reading a little at a time and stretching this pleasure out as long as I can. The book is a lot larger than I expected and makes a decent coffee-table volume. I got it very quickly, in fact so quickly I was quite surprised at the speed. This would be a great Christmas gift for art lovers!

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Beautiful Sketches
By Sofia Villanueva
I bought this in December because I wanted to learn more about Vincent,
Vincent's letters to his brother Theo are very interesting to read. I like how Vincent describes the still life object he used for the paintings and includes sketches of the paintings in his letters. The book comes with scans of some of Vincent letters that contain sketches of his paintings.
I love it!
Note: Bookmark not included.

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Families are complicated
By Valerie Jane Makant
This book is a lot to read and sometimes it gets tiring but we need to understand it for what it is--it is not a novel- it is a compilation of letters. After reading the book, I felt I understood Vincent Van Gogh better than I ever have. He didn't seem as crazy as his reputation and I find him to be an inspiring artist who painted as a way of self expression whether his art was accepted at the time or not. I also thought Theo, in his capacity as Vincent's art supporter and sponsor, was steadfast and loyal and that in the end Vincent's paintings created a financial legacy that supported Theo's family after Theo died. Theo was there for Vincent during his lifetime and Vincent provided for Theo's family after their deaths. Wow. I'll bet Vincent's mother wished she hadn't thrown any of Vincent's paintings away.

See all 12 customer reviews...

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Ever Yours: The Essential Letters, by Vincent van Gogh PDF

Ever Yours: The Essential Letters, by Vincent van Gogh PDF

Ever Yours: The Essential Letters, by Vincent van Gogh PDF
Ever Yours: The Essential Letters, by Vincent van Gogh PDF

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