Tuesday, June 10, 2014

[L986.Ebook] Free PDF Shadowed Strength: Shadowed Series Book One, by Wendi Wilson

Free PDF Shadowed Strength: Shadowed Series Book One, by Wendi Wilson

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Shadowed Strength: Shadowed Series Book One, by Wendi Wilson

Shadowed Strength: Shadowed Series Book One, by Wendi Wilson

Shadowed Strength: Shadowed Series Book One, by Wendi Wilson

Free PDF Shadowed Strength: Shadowed Series Book One, by Wendi Wilson

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Shadowed Strength: Shadowed Series Book One, by Wendi Wilson

A teen romance filled with the angst of first love, mystery, suspense, and the paranormal...

She should have run.

While walking home at night, sixteen year old Melanie Johnson is tackled to the ground by a masked assailant with nefarious intentions. Her savior, a large black dog with soulful eyes, vanishes as quickly as he appears.

You are mine.

She starts receiving threatening�notes from her attacker, promising to finish what he started.

I am Ace.

To complicate things further,�her long-time crush Jeremy reveals a secret that Melanie is not sure she can accept. He is more than he seems. Something untamed. Forceful. Wild.

I have to stop him.

The truth about her assailant's identity is almost too much to bear and Melanie must find the strength to put an end to the terror, once and for all.
**This is a YA Paranormal Romance intended for teens and adults 16+ due to language and sexual situations.

  • Sales Rank: #32048 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-24
  • Released on: 2015-06-24
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Author
Shadowed Strength is my first novel and it really has been a labor of love. I originally wrote the book when I was sixteen, and over the last twenty two years, it has evolved into what you're about to read.�I love reading young adult paranormal romance books, and this story flowed out of me with excitement. My heart pounded as danger lurked, relationships grew and secrets were revealed, and I truly hope yours does too.Thank you for giving Shadowed Strength a chance. I hope you love it as much as I do.

About the Author
Wendi Wilson is mom to two rambunctious boys, two cats, a snake, a guinea pig, and a fish. She lives in Southern California with her husband and kids, writing in every spare moment she gets; those moments not already consumed by volunteering for PTA, team parenting various sports teams in baseball and football, and reading as many books as humanly possible.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
By Pamela Foley
I ran across this book in a reading group. The cover and blurb drew me in and I’m so glad I decided to read it. There are tons of books about teenagers who suddenly discover they’re special. Unfortunately, the books themselves aren’t. It’s all on how the characters are portrayed, and this one fits the bill.

The main protagonists is sixteen year-old Melanie. She’s overweight, has a huge inferiority complex, and has been bullied most of her life by Sissy. Even though Sissy is nothing but a mean, spiteful person, she is the epitome of what Melanie wants to look like. It doesn’t help that Melanie also has the hots for Jeremy, someone she’s known must of her life, but he only sees her as a friend. Unfortunately, Sissy has her eye on him too.

One fateful day, at a party, Jeremy strolls in with Sissy on his arm, who proceeds to belittle and bully Melanie. Upset, Mel takes off on foot to go home, in the dark, alone, and along the way, she’s attacked. Someone has had his eye on her for awhile,and now it’s his time to make her his. Her savior is a huge dog Melanie has never seen before. Who is the dark man that assaulted Mel? And why is he still stalking her?

I have to admit, I figured most of the plot out pretty fast, though I was sidetracked at one point. But I didn’t care, as I really fell in love with the characters. I enjoyed the banter between Mel and her best friend, Tara, and caught myself chuckling a few times over their antics. Wendi Wilson did an awesome job portraying the insecurities of a teenager in high school. Even though it’s been 40 years since I graduated high school, she took me right back to all the teenage drama.

Most of the story is about Melanie and coming to terms with her body, finding the guy that’s stalking her, and the developing relationship between her and Jeremy. The paranormal elements were slowly blended in and I anxiously waited to see who Melanie really was. I was mildly surprised to find out the real answer. This book does leave you on a cliffhanger, and I definitely want to read the next book in the series.

I didn’t find anything really wrong with the tale, other than some very minor proofreading issues. The plot was fast, the characters relatable and likeable, and it was well-written. I highly recommend it for YA lovers of the paranormal and I give it 5 feathers. Well done.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
This was a perfect blend of YA romance & paranormal and is highly recommended to readers of both genres.
By Amazon Customer
Why I loved Shadowed Strength

This was one fantastic prologue, I normally never mention these. Fear trickled over my spine and I could sense the danger Mealnie was in.

The book is sooo easy to read - I don't mean that the language is simple but the writing style is perfect and the story flies swiftly.

Every girl will be reminded of their teenage years after reading about Melanie.
Melanie was slightly overweight, was trying to find herelf and had a bitchy nemesis.
Her character development was depicted well. She went from shy, insecure, non confrontational to confident & someone who can take a stand for herself.

Creepy Mystery Attacker
Melanie was dealing with a serious problem here and her reactions were believable. The mystery was written well and it had a red herring too. I think it set a good example when Melanie planned to overcome the situation instead of tolerating torment.

Tara She was EVERYTHING a best friend should be and that's the highest compliment I can think of right now.

Usually boys in high school are portrayed as nerds, jocks, jerks or some combination of these traits.
Jeremy was swoonworthy, a knight in shining armour, how most of us fantasized our First Love should be. He was kind, patient, funny, protective, considerate, I have a never ending list of praise...

Complete Package
This book had a lot of elements like mystery, paranormal, young romance, friendship, family, the search for your identity and they come together perfectly.

The story has a massive cliffhanger but fortunately, I have the sequel and can get started soon.

This was a perfect blend of YA romance & paranormal and is highly recommended to readers of both genres.

I received this free ebook in exchange for an honest review.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Melanie - from inadequate to extraordinary
By Amazon Customer
Melanie is a normal sixteen-year-old girl, living a normal life and going to a normal high-school - as far as she knows. She has a crush on a normal, howbeit very attractive boy, who regards her only as a friend - as far as she knows. Her biggest problem – up to this point - is a poor body-image, due in large part to a malicious classmate who has belittled and persecuted her from early childhood. Melanie’s greatest assets, when the story opens, are her loyal best girlfriend and her loving mother. With their help, she is overcoming her shyness and groping her way to a normal social life. All of these factors, and several new ones she does not yet know, come together at a party that changes everything.
The narrative is confident and steady. The language and style are appropriate to an adolescent readership – as far as I know: the running conversation between the girls seems natural. There are a few strong words, but no profanity. There is some violence, but it’s brief and not too graphic. The moral tone is consistently high, both in dealing with teenage sexuality and in regard to respect, concern and consideration between friends. It won’t teach young readers anything untoward – unless perhaps reliance on the supernatural.
For me, the plot is a bit slow; while the suspense builds, actual events are few and far apart: by the time they arrive, the surprise is quite gone. The dialogue and action tend to be repetitious. I admit I don’t know what teenaged girls like to read, or whether they obsess over anything besides boys. For my own part, I’d like them to have a little more intellectual stimulation.

See all 68 customer reviews...

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Shadowed Strength: Shadowed Series Book One, by Wendi Wilson PDF
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